Most of us spend the majority of our day at work; therefore, dealing with workplace issues efficiently is of the utmost importance. Working with others is imperative for innovation, however, it can bring challenges as well. An inevitable fact of the workplace is that each individual works at a different pace, has a different approach, and thinks of different solutions. While these differences cultivate diversity and creativity, it also means that not everyone is compatible. The most common problems faced in the workplace include interpersonal conflicts, gossip, bullying, communication problems, performance issues, and low job satisfaction. In the long run, issues with our coworkers or superiors may have a substantial negative impact on our mood, productivity, focus, and wellbeing in general. Our work should be a place where we like to spend time, a welcoming space that supports self-expression. A stress-filled environment where interpersonal conflicts abound will harm how we feel and think about ourselves and our workplace. The most common consequence resulting from long periods of time spent in a stressful environment are symptoms of depression and anxiety. These two mental health conditions can, in turn, negatively impact our work performance and job satisfaction, creating a vicious cycle. Seeking guidance from a mental health professional for workplace issues is often beneficial for both personal and professional satisfaction. Our jobs require most of our time, and for that reason it's important that we feel we're performing at our best and that we're happy with our workplace relationships. Mental health professionals can help with everything from interpersonal conflicts to issues of job satisfaction, helping us feel content and secure at work.
What are the benefits of working with a therapist for work-related matters?
Discussing our work-related issues and concerns with a therapist can bring us clarity, opening our eyes to solutions that benefit us professionally and personally. Applying principles of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is an effective way to identify unhealthy patterns of thinking and behaving, which can then be corrected and changed. Moreover, a therapist can show you how to incorporate mindfulness, breathing, and other coping strategies into your day. Coping skills can be used to navigate daily challenges, and help us maintain emotional balance and wellbeing. Mindfulness practices and breathing techniques help us approach problems more constructively and increase confidence in our ability to handle difficult situations. Further, the ability to communicate plays a significant role in all our interactions, but particularly in the relationships with the people that we work with. Developing efficient communication skills (especially with regards to assertiveness and conflict management) is another way in which therapy may help us feel better at work, and allow us to establish healthy boundaries when interacting with colleagues. Reference: Miller, L., & Del Smith, A. (2011, July). Stress in the workplace. American Psychological Association.