Humans are social beings. We crave human connection and thrive in socially inclusive environments. However, there might be times in our life when we need to withdraw from others to deal with our inner world. Solitude may be the best environment to help us expand our awareness of ourselves and hear the guidance of our inner wisdom. When we're struggling on our own and can't seem to find the right solutions ourselves, a compassionate, knowledgeable, and grounded therapist may be what we need to see new possibilities and move forward. This is when individual therapy (sometimes called “psychotherapy” or “counselling”) can help us find solutions for problems ranging from anxiety, depression, addiction, PTSD, insomnia, procrastination, relationships, workplace issues, and more. *Should appear after clicking "Read More"* Individual therapy is helpful for all issues we're faced with, big and small. When we notice inner friction that bothers us on a daily basis, it may be important to see a therapist. The longer feelings of dysregulation brew within us, the more likely they are to manifest as physical symptoms, such as fatigue, or turn into full fledged mental disorders. A therapist can give us the tools we need to cope with these feelings and return to normal. When we function in healthy ways, we experience cognitive, physical, and spiritual harmony, allowing us to perform our best in all facets of life.
What are the benefits of working with a therapist?
A psychotherapist's office provides a safe environment for us to look at our concerns and stresses, and to discover the underlying causes of our symptoms. In a caring and confidential environment, it's safe for us to open up to our therapist about our most troubling issues. Since therapy requires vulnerability, it can be scary at first. Some clients might feel insecure about discussing personal issues, or acknowledging they have a problem they can't solve on their own. However, there's no need to feel ashamed about seeking therapy. When you begin working with a therapist, they're required to share with you the risks and benefits of seeking therapy, as well as limits to confidentiality. This is made very clear to all clients from the start. Seeking therapy can be life-changing and exceptionally beneficial for both our personal and professional life. Fortunately, individuals and corporations alike are recognizing the importance of mental health care. They're beginning to see measurable benefits such as fewer employee sick days, increased work productivity, creativity, and increased wellbeing. As a result, more and more organizations are including collaboration with a psychotherapist into employee care plans and packages. Moreover, in today's fast-paced performance-oriented world, many individuals seek therapy not only for healing, but also to optimize their work performance. Professional athletes, top business leaders, and CEOs reach for mental health care services to bring more clarity, ease, and excellence into their lives.

A Woman Sits in an Individual Therapy Session with a Therapist. From “The Centre for Psychotherapy and Emotional Bodywork”, The Centre for Psychotherapy and Emotional Bodywork